July 6, 2013

Brazil! Brazil!

In March I made a return journey to Sao Paulo, Brazil to work with staff at St Nicholas School, a new school for me. At St Nicholas I was fortunate to work with Nick Thody and his staff for 2 busy days. I believe it made a difference to their thinking about collaborative groups at their school and I very much hope to return in the future.

I was also fortunate while in Brazil to work with colleagues  Anne  Taffin d'Heursel Baldisseri and Siobhain Anita Allum. 

We worked for 3 intense days with a fabulous group of teachers from several schools in Sao Paulo and from the BritIsh School of Rio. These pictures will give you a sense of the experience.

Thank you Anne and Siobhain for making this special event possible and for hosting it at St Paul's!

July 5, 2013

January 2013

Finally caught up to a new year and information about a solo trip to Kuwait in January 2013. I was able to work there with Jeanette Al Sabah and a group of educators on a 40 hour 3 credit course though the University of Buffalo. A big thank you to Lynda Abdulraheem who made this event possible.

All the participants from a variety of International Schools in Kuwait City  brought experience and enthusiasm to the class.  This made it a very special event!

While in Kuwait I had the opportunity to visit schools and meet and work with local teachers.

Playing catch up continued .....

Europe was my next adventure and a return trip to the American School of Warsaw.
 It was pretty amazing to return to a school I had left in June 1982, as a young teacher, this time as a consultant. Leaving Poland I flew over the Alps to Nice in the south of France.

In Nice I was able to meet up with my colleagues Annie Leonard, Keelin Swalve and Lola Lauscher, we had a beautiful meeting room with big windows looking out on a typical French street scene and eager participants.  This all  helped make the 2 day pre conference at ECIS a great success.

Playing Catch up continued!

In the fall a return trip to the wonderful IST  in Dar es Salaam was followed by a very good 2 days at the AISA  conference in Johannesburg. It is always a pleasure to return to Africa and this trip was no exception.

Playing catch up!

Hi All, I have been very remiss in keeping the blog current this past year. So I am playing catch up!  I am posting pictures and short pieces about my events since the last blog post in 2012.

2012 / 2013 school year was a fabulous and busy year of travels to many schools and conferences old and new. A journey took me to Peru last spring  to work with Russ Jones and a leadership team at Colegio F. D. Roosevelt. A highlight of this quick visit was volunteer work with the school staff building a home for a Peruvian family. These pictures give a glimpse of the task. It was a pleasure to be involved in a community service activity in addition to working at the school.
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