July 6, 2013

Brazil! Brazil!

In March I made a return journey to Sao Paulo, Brazil to work with staff at St Nicholas School, a new school for me. At St Nicholas I was fortunate to work with Nick Thody and his staff for 2 busy days. I believe it made a difference to their thinking about collaborative groups at their school and I very much hope to return in the future.

I was also fortunate while in Brazil to work with colleagues  Anne  Taffin d'Heursel Baldisseri and Siobhain Anita Allum. 

We worked for 3 intense days with a fabulous group of teachers from several schools in Sao Paulo and from the BritIsh School of Rio. These pictures will give you a sense of the experience.

Thank you Anne and Siobhain for making this special event possible and for hosting it at St Paul's!


  1. Thanks for sharing amazing info on teacher collaboration please check this one

  2. Thanks for sharing such an incredible information here.
    Teacher Collaboration
